Sunday, August 28, 2011

Chateau de Malbrouck

The second stop of the field trip was at Chateau Malbrouck, an ancient castle on the top of a very steep hill. The Chateau was reconstructed after it became ruins and now has a cafe and several showrooms. It was very impressive and intimidating, I would never have attempted to attack this castle!

It was amazing. I wanted to live here for the rest of my life. For an ancient castle, it was surprisingly warm. With a new friend I explored the castle, happily skipping through the ancient halls!

 The tallest tower provided a wonderful view of the valley below. The wind was cold, but it was worth it. It was the most wonderfully green area, and I could see hills for miles. Wonderful :)

It is so pretty here!

 Anyways, after all the lovely sightseeing, it began to rain again. The students were ushered back to the bus, but not before we hit the gift shop. Things got a little weird...

On to the next part!