Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Schengen Agreement

Today was a three part tour. The first stop was the place where the Schengen Agreement was signed. This agreement eliminated all borders between European countries, allowing free travel without a passport. The agreement was actually signed on the river, which allowed officials to be in three countries at once: Luxembourg, France, and Germany. The town itself was still very small, which made the experience that much more enjoyable.

 It really was beautiful here. Too bad it kept raining!

There were two very important monuments on the river. The first was a marker of where the agreement was signed on the river. It was impressive, but still very humble. It wasn't too overbearing or made into a tourist trap, and I really appreciated that. There seemed to be a decent amount of people visiting, and the museum came complete with a fancy bar.

The other monument was a piece of the Berlin Wall. The Schengen Agreement, even though it was signs a few years before the wall was removed, was instrumental in the removal of the Wall. It was slightly odd being surrounded by so much history. As it began to rain my group was sent back to the bus, where we prepared for our next stop of the day...

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