Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Vienna Trip Part 1-Wurtzburg

For my Vienna and Modernity course my class was required to head to Vienna for half a week. Starting on Friday we had until Wednesday to get to our Viennese hostel. I took the chance to do a little traveling through Germany and Austria beforehand. Interestingly enough, there were several groups formed for traveling before also, but they included expensive Italian hostels and other things out of my budget, sooo...I traveled alone until Salzburg, where I planned to meet up with one other student. With itinerary in hand, I set out on my solo adventure.

My first planned stop was Wurtzburg, a town full of castles, churches, and a statue bridge. It sounded like a cool place to stay, and I was right. My hostel was on the other side of town, so I was able to get a glimpse of everything before I settled in. I wandered down the quaint little streets happily, my only goal to find the river. My hostel laid on the other side of the river...somewhere.

Everything was cute! 

I eventually found the bridge, but not before annoying everyone as I drug my suitcase across cobblestone (thump-thump-thump-thump). The bridge was one of the prettiest things I have seen since I have been to Europe. The scene was set by an accordion player who played his lovely tunes as I wandered dumbstruck over the bridge. The scene was helped by the huge castle sitting on the hill. Yes.

The small red building at the end of this street is a wine joint that opens up only at night. You can pay 8 euros for a glass of wine and a poker chip. You return the chip with the glass to get 6 euros back. This was they can cover costs for lost glasses.

This looks even better at night when they light it up.

I was able to make enough awkward hand gestures for the German man who took this to understand I wanted a picture.

As I got closer to my hostel, I realized I would be right under the castle and not too far from the bridge. Right below the castle were vineyards. So. Pretty!

Unfortunately I didn't get to go to the castle. :(

So, I settled into my hostel room and decided to explore more! I went back across the bridge to see the famously pretty churches. One was medieval, one was renaissance, and the other appeared...uh, red. I have no clue.

The red one shown above also had an interesting archway above the main entrance. Jesus with swords in his mouth? Wow, that's....odd.

As night fell, I wandered back to the bridge to enjoy a glass of wine from the previously mentioned wine joint. It was beautiful. The castle was lit up along with the church steeples, the lights reflecting on the water, the small street band playing music. People everywhere, enjoying wine and life. It was wonderful...Until the very drunk German guy threw his arm around me and offered me free alcohol. When I said I wasn't interested he proceeded to ask me on a date for the following night...No thanks.

I walked back to the hostel, happy with how the night had gone. I met a girl in the lobby from a nearby American college. Back to the bridge! She got a glass of wine and we walked around to the churches. We stumbled across this chalk street art when a second German guy threw his arm around me. Apparently this one was having his bachelor party and wanted some girls to come along...No thanks. :\ After a night at the hostel I got up and headed back to the train station to head to stop #2...

I hope it never rains, or else this is going to be lost forever :(

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