Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Vienna Trip Part 6-Actually Vienna!

 Finally, Vienna! After several adventures, I finally get to my final destination. Unfortunately my camera died, so these were taken with my phone. Crappy pictures are better than no pictures at all, right? Anyways, and I stand on the trolly, shooting through the Ring Streets I got a glimpse of this ancient city and the high class aura that surrounded it.

 With multiple tours came a realization that I can remember the layout of cities and streets very well. I explored many different parts of Vienna, and some specific places will be touched on in the next posts. This picture shows one of the many churches littered around Vienna.

This building sports the Austrian crest, a double headed osprey. I think this is the parliament building, but I am not for sure. So many buildings had elaborate designs and pillars that "fancy" was the common building style at the turn of the century.

Even on the top of some regular building is the sign of a bright age past. This huge angel just stands up there, marking a building of no real importance.

The famous Ring Streets featured these wide walkways that were used in the 19th century primarily for showing off your newest poofy dress or mustache. They really add to the charm of Vienna, but were constructed for more than just looks. With the addition of these wide walkways, it made it harder to barricade off routes (which had happened before).

This is the entrance to the Hapsburg Palace. The center of the Hapsburg Empire was here in Vienna, and the castle was huge. This picture only shows 1/6th of what I saw. The Empire eventually falls around WWI, but left remnants of its glory behind.

This was just one of the exits of the Palace. I thought it looked cool. :)

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