The palace itself was wonderful and enchanting, but after the sign I knew better. This place was designed for some little 17th century punk who wanted to squirt water up ladies' dresses. I watched where I stood and, most importantly, where not to stand because the ground was wet.
The first trick fountain we found was this big stone table. You can see that every seat (except for the Prince's seat) squirts water, along with jets from behind. There is also water in the middle of the table where wine bottles were placed to keep cool. We were told that the mechanisms that run the fountains are almost unchanged from original construction.
It was pretty funny, but seeing how I had a camera, an ipod, and a blackberry I really didn't want to risk it.
These mentally incapacitated stag shoots water jets from the tips of each of its horns. At this point I was really questioning the Prince's sanity.
This joyful little...thing is essentially a giant music box. All the music and figurines (over 200 moving parts!) were water powered! It was cool, but something was wrong...the ground was wet. I stealthily positioned myself at the end of the group. Smart move, as I witnessed the jets come from behind. Sneaky, but not enough to trick me, haha! VICTORY.
Finally, there was a small cave/building that had religious statues and a special fountain that was suppose to show the power of the church. As I explored (and dodged jets) I found this statue. Ok, some guy is going to cut the Devil, and hes....wait...Is the Devil poking his nipple? Yes, yes he is. He seriously was. Why, I have no clue. I'm pretty sure that isn't in the Bible..but its in my blog! :D
Oh, and once you exited the Hellbrunn Fountains, you could see the Sound of Music Gazebo. Awww yeah :D
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